I have 4 directories and 4 groups and I want each group have access to one directory for example GroupA access to Directory A and GroupB access to Directory B and .... . and also I install DFS management and DFS Replication .But i don't know How can i assign permission on directory with DFS .I created namespace on DFS with full permission for administrator and read/write for user but in this situation my scenarios doesn't work because all user has read and write permission and i assigned deny permission on ntfs permission for users but after doing this nobody have access to directory.... my server is 2012 and I realy need help about inherit roles on DFS and NTFS permission after configuration DFS.

thank you

  • Unfortunately, enterprise hardware or software questions are off-topic here—please try Server Fault instead. See the help center for details. (Please don't cross-post—if you post your question there, you should delete the question here.) Also, please try to format your question better—using proper capitalization will make your question easier to read.
    – bwDraco
    Commented Aug 8, 2015 at 14:44

1 Answer 1


Let's assume the following:

  • Your DFS namespace is \\example.com\shares
  • Your DFS points to a local drive E:\shares
  • In E:\shares there are two directories, FolderA and FolderB

Permissions for the E:\shares directory are as follows:

  • Share: Everyone - Change
  • NTFS: GroupA and GroupB - Everything but Write, Delete Subfolder and Files, Delete, Take Ownership, Change Ownership > Apply to: This Folder Only

Permissions for the E:\shares\FolderA directory:

  • Inheritance: Disabled > Convert to explicit
  • NTFS: GroupA - Everything but Delete, Change Ownership > Apply to: This Folder, Subfolders, and Files

Permissions for the E:\shares\FolderB directory:

  • Inheritance: Disabled > Convert to explicit
  • NTFS: GroupB - Everything but Delete, Change Ownership > Apply to: This Folder, Subfolders, and Files


You could create a DFS namespace for each group if you want to in this format. \\example.com\groupA, \\example.com\groupB, etc.

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