On Linux and OS X, calling the chrome executable with --version simply prints the version and exits with 0.

On windows however, calling

chrome.exe --version

Does not print the version and actually launches the browser.

Any idea what's going on here, does the windows version of chrome not support the options?

1 Answer 1


Seems this is an already recognized issue, but still hasn't been fixed (since October 2012, when it was reported), as you can see here

--version works fine in Mac OS X, just not Windows.

A user also points out that a possible workaround is to run the following command:

reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Google Chrome" /v DisplayVersion

But I honestly haven't been able to succesfully run it (the registry key doesn't seem to be there).

Anyways, you might be interested in taking a look here for other alternatives (apart from chrome://version).

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