I use Linux Mint's Backup Tool to make a backup of my all disk.

During backup process, the tool freezes very often when checking (before copying) /sys/keynal/debug/hid/0003:413C:2106.0001/events Can I simply delete such files ? There is 2 folder like "0003...", and such files seems useless to backup. Freeze ? It freezes while backing-up (after the calculation pre-process), precisely when calculating the sha1sum signature.

Can I safely delete /sys/keynal/debug/hid folders ?

Thank you

1 Answer 1


Is there an option to bypass this folder from the backup app?

The /sys/kernel folder is created by kernel/device drivers dynamically and you don't need to back up them. If you're still having problem with the /sys/kernel/debug/hid folder, try to umount the /sys/kernel/debug folder temporally.

umount /sys/kernel/debug

and mount it back after backing up(or reboot the machine)

mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
  • "The /sys/kernel folder is created by kernel/device drivers dynamically and you don't need to back up them. I" @Chris.C . Thank you--
    – ArchiT3K
    Commented Jul 13, 2015 at 9:05

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