I'm using Xmonad on archlinux, without a desktop environment installed. I managed to set the Numix theme for GTK2 with this ~/.gtkrc-2.0


and GTK3 with export GTK_THEME=Numix in my ~/.xinitrc. For some reason setting it in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini didn't work:

gtk-icon-theme-name = "Numix"
gtk-theme-name = "Numix"
gtk-font-name = "DejaVu Sans 10"

So, how can I get GTK to load the config file?

And, in general, what are things that a desktop environment sets up (like environment variables, config files, or even daemons) that GTK applications usually rely on?

That is, other than display and window managers, and a set of applications, what, if any, "glue" functionality does a DE like GNOME provide?


1 Answer 1


For anyone who comes across this post and is trying to customize on a non desktop environment setup, Check out lxappearance which can be found on any standard package managers. It's super lightweight and it lets you setup any GTK theme you like without having to install a desktop environment. cheers

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