A rookie question here: Is it normal I can access all of my directories and files through the web browser? Isn't this risky and insecure? How can I change it?

I thought only www/var/ directory could be accessed through the browser.

  • Are saying you can access files on your server through the browser, or on your file system?
    – RSinohara
    Commented Jul 8, 2015 at 19:16
  • No, I'm just talking about a local server, but i don't like being able to surf all around my file system through the browser. That's why i ask if it's the normal behaviour or if it should be configured.
    – ERed
    Commented Jul 8, 2015 at 19:24
  • 1
    I hadn't seen the Debian tag. But your browser can usually access your file system, regardless of there being a server present. That might be what is happening. Try shutting down the server and see if the behavior continues.
    – RSinohara
    Commented Jul 8, 2015 at 19:28
  • 1
    wiki.apache.org/httpd/DirectoryListings ?
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jul 8, 2015 at 19:30
  • 1
    local file browsing is normal, and does not work because of, or related to the web server at all. (regardless of using a directory browser, internet browser, unc, etc.) Commented Jul 8, 2015 at 19:32

1 Answer 1


This behavior is normal and safe.

You are acessing your file system through the browser, as is the default behavior for browsers. You could do the same even if there were no server available on your machine.

In the same way, accessing a web address through most file explorers will also work.

What you experience is access that is not passign through the http server, and an outside user (not in your machine) will not be able to access your file system.

FYI, most http servers do have an option to allow listing of files, witch is disabled by default.

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