So i live in a student dormitory and i have access to the internet with 1 cable. This cable is plugged into my router (Netgear R6200) and i have a few PC's running on that router with cables.

Now i bought my Raspberry Pi 2 model B and started setting up a few servers. I want to connect to my Pi from the outside (from college). I cannot open ANY ports or have administrator privileges for the network, i do however have the liberty to set up anything i want. Is there any way possible to get a connection (be it with SSH or FTP) established from my college network, to my Pi in my own private network.

I have quite a background on networks and PC hardware, so please dont hold back on any "scary" terms or schematics.

Thanks in advance!

  • I can use teamviewer VPN with 2 accounts to link windows computers together from different locations without any ports. I there some kind of software like this for Linux? I have been googling like a madman all day :)
    – Maarten
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 18:24
  • I am using Raspbian on my Pi, and windows 7 on all my windows machines.
    – Maarten
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 18:43
  • Welcome at SU. Please improve your question via edit button rather than adding comments.
    – JosefZ
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 21:10

1 Answer 1


If your network does not allow incoming connections (i.e. there is a firewall you don't control which is blocking all incoming ports), then you will have to use an intermediate server (which is what teamviewer uses).

If you have SSH access to a remote computer you can set up an ssh reverse tunnel to make your local services available remotely.

Otherwise, if you don't mind the potential security risks, there are several online services which provide similar functionality:

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