I want to upgrade my "computer room" a bit by buying an amplifier and a pair of speakers so everybody in the room can listen on music from my computer. But at the same time I want to play some games on the computer (a laptop) and listen to the sound from the game through my headphones.

Is this possible?

I have read many forums but couldn't find an answer for me.

I thought that maybe I could connect the headphones to my 3.5 mm jack and then buy a external sound card and connect that with USB to the laptop and then connect the amplifier to the soundcard.

Will that work?

  • Might be possible. Games will probably use your default soundcard but if you use a music/media player that allows you to specify which device to use then it might work.
    – Karan
    Commented Jun 15, 2015 at 8:03

1 Answer 1


No need to buy additional audio card just for music. You can use audio player with channels redirect capabilities instead. So that your game can be configured to use only 2 front channels (for headphones) and audio player can be configured to use rear 2 channels for amplifier. A good example is foobar2000 audio player with foo_channel_mixer DSP plugin (among other things, it can redirect channels in whatever way you like), which can be downloaded here. Note that plugin is a little bit dated, so you will have to repack it's dll into zip archive and rename it to have .fb2k-component extension (instead of zip), so that recent versions of foobar2000 could install it.

  • Will I be able to play music via Spotify then?
    – WeeRox
    Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 20:17
  • I believe you will not.
    – Eldarien
    Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 21:43

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