I would like to use the Windows Explorer Search box to search for multiple file types.

Is there any supported syntax to do so?

I tried:

*.docx *.xlsx
*.docx, *.xlsx
*.docx; *.xlsx
*.docx or *.xlsx
*.docx | *.xlsx

But none of this works (while *.docx or *.xlsx alone works)

  • 3
    Better alternative to Windows Explorer Search box. Use Everything
    – AEonAX
    Commented May 28, 2015 at 9:01
  • thx @AEonAX, I'll take a look
    – Steve B
    Commented May 28, 2015 at 9:17

2 Answers 2


Enter it like this

*.txt OR *.PDF OR *.xls

Keep OR capital letters

  • 1
    Why "OR" ? This is the most non-standard thing I could think about... Commented Sep 4, 2016 at 12:53
  • @androiddeveloper You asked why someone would use the word OR inside a search expression, such as *.ppt OR *.odp. The English word "OR" is similar, but not the same, as the word "OR" in Mathematics and Computer Science. The search expression has different syntax, but identical semmantics, to the following : "search for files X such that file X has a name ending in .ppt or a name ending in .odp". The name of the file could end in .ppt or the name of the file could end in .odp Commented Jan 28 at 23:10

You can also use wildcards (*, ?) in the search box as follows.

EXT: .txt OR .pdf OR .xls OR .doc*
  • Is it not necessary to use parens ext:( ... )?
    – Qwerty
    Commented Oct 11, 2021 at 11:47

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