I am looking for a way to search web pages using firefox (preferably, but any other browser will do also) in such a way that I can enter a word without accents, and it will find all accented versions of the word also.

For example: I type "hote" in the search field and it finds "hôte", or "supprime" and "supprimé", or "grun" and "grün", etc. . Is there any way this would become possible, including scripting some extensions? So kind of like the -i flag to grep, just for the browser search and accents?

(Of course, an about:config flag flip would be best, mapping non-accented searches to all accented variants. But I'm afraid this won't exist? )

  • "Is there any way this would become possible, including scripting some extensions?" - Of course, if you make your own search add-on to do this then it will work.
    – Karan
    Commented May 4, 2015 at 6:12
  • 1
    I don't think it exists yet, but it would be quite handy indeed. Especially for user-generated content where people might be too lazy to type the accented letters.
    – Slizzered
    Commented May 4, 2015 at 13:05

1 Answer 1


Yes, there is a way. In the browser Chrome, typing "hote" in the search field will find "hôte" on the page, and similarly for your other examples.

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