We have a windows server with Windows 2008 R2 SP1. This server provides a network share, let's call it Data. The permissions are set to Read/Write for all domain users.

Multiple PCs (PC1 to PC4) in the local net have mapped this network share as drive letter H: using the same username MyUser.

In this network share there's an application folder for a specific Java Application. So each PC opens the application by opening the .exe (Let's say H:\App\run-java-app.exe)

On PC1 and PC2 (both Windows 7) the application runs fine. On PC3 (Win 8.1) and PC4 (Win 7) the application opens but it can't write any files. Thus PC3 and 4 have only read access.

Problem statement:

Same Java Application on PC3 and 4 has only read access, on PC1 and 2 read/write.

Debugging the problem:

  • Creating a file trough Windows Explorer works without an error. And e.g. Word can write into the folder on all PCs.
  • All the PCs use the same User for connecting to the shared folder. I've already tried to remove the network share, reboot, and reconnect. No success.
  • I've already removed the shared permissions on the server and recreated them. No success.
  • Adding read/write permission for the user Everyone solves the problem
  • I already wrote a simple Java application which creates a file and writes to it. This also worked on all PCs.


How can I debug the problem further? Is there a method to check how a file is accessed on the server?

PC3 and 4 can write to the network share if I'm using e.g. Word, but the Java Application has no write access. It looks like only this specific Java Application has problems.

1 Answer 1


Is it consisten? I mean, PC3 and PC4 are always the ones that have RO and the others RW? Could it be a file locking issue having others access before them?

PD: Can't yet comment so I have to "answer" with questions, sorry.

  • Yes, it's consistent. Only (and always) PC3 and PC4 are affected. Commented May 4, 2015 at 19:39

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