I have a project that covers 2 sheets. It concerns doing inventory for small businesses.

On sheet 1 there is a schedule of inventories and purchases that a business can make each month. On sheet 2 there are the summations of the various months' inventories so as to see how much the business should have in sales. Every cell in sheet 2 (60 rows, 600 columns) contains a calculation from data in sheet 1.

I am trying to make it so that the numbers in sheet 2 will appear the same as the background color (and therefore invisible) unless a value has been entered into each of the necessary cells in sheet 1. In order to do this, each cell is given 2 conditional formats.

For example: Sheet2(B2): =Sheet1!$D$3="" and Sheet2(B2): =Sheet1!$B$3=""

The result works perfectly when I enter these individual formats for each cell. The problem is that there are 36,000 cells and I cannot figure out how to copy the formats across multiple cells. Each cell on sheet 2 is the result of a different set of values from sheet 1.

Does anybody have any advice on how to copy these formats across multiple columns, rows, etc?

1 Answer 1


So your question how to copy the format on multiple cells at once. Just copy the cell then select the others cells and choose paste as format from paste special.

  • I've tried pasting like you said but the problem is that the new cells are always being changed based on the input values for the original cell. I want to make it so that the conditional format of each individual cell is decided by a different set of values from Sheet 1. For example, Sheet2!(J3) is set to be a certain color if: =Sheet1!$R$3="" and =Sheet1!$S$3="" However, Sheet2!K3 is set to be the same color, but this time if: =Sheet1!$T$3="" and =Sheet1$V$3="" How do I copy that format so that each cell receives inputs from different values on Sheet 1? Commented Apr 16, 2015 at 14:14

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