I bought a Linksys RV082 small business router. It's a nice 8-port wired router with a lot of configuration options, and so far it's working pretty well.

One of my computers on the LAN is a server running various applications on different ports. I can access all of these applications by going to; however, when I try to access it using the remote IP address, it times out. I've tried out a couple of websites that check to see if your ports are open, and they all say "no."

However... I did open the necessary ports. Or at least I thought I did. Here's some screenshots of what I've tried so far (I've tried both Port Forwarding and UPnP.)

enter image description here enter image description here

What am I missing? How do I open ports on this router?


1 Answer 1


It's possible that you haven't enabled the Jira port mapping. Without a screenshot showing the Jira mapping selected (highlighted), this version of the Linksys software doesn't let you know. (If you highlight the mapping you get to see the [] enabled checkbox ticked - or not.)

  • Yes, I have of course had it enabled all along: i.imgur.com/BUGXK7x.png
    – soapergem
    Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 14:33
  • I took "I did open the necessary ports. Or at least I thought I did" to mean that you sought confirmation. Without a screenshot illustrating the checkbox ticked it wasn't possible to know for certain that you had followed all the necessary steps. Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 14:43
  • That's fair. If only it were that easy! I'm all out of ideas at this point because I've followed just about every step that the different guides recommend.
    – soapergem
    Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 14:51
  • I've previously had problems with Linksys RV052 devices and the firewall which were resolved by upgrading to the latest firmware. (Even for a new device this isn't necessarily what's shipped.) Unfortunately I can't see any reference to Port Forwarding in the firmware release notes at <software.cisco.com/download/…> Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 15:21

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