When I do "Create New Calendar Group", it seems that I can only add Exchange calendars. Is there a way to add local calendars?

I have multiple local calendars, and I want to have use Calendar Groups as "presets" instead of toggling the show/hide calendars each time.

1 Answer 1


Can you create Outlook Calendar Groups from local calendars?

Not sure what you mean by "local calendars" exactly, but Calendar Groups are actually a feature of Exchange Server, not Outlook (it can just display/modify them, as a client)

So it will only work with Exchange-based email accounts.

From Create, view, or delete a calendar group:

Note: This feature requires a Microsoft Exchange Server account.

From Outlook group calendar solutions:

This feature requires you to use a Microsoft Exchange Server [...] account. Most home and personal accounts do not use Microsoft Exchange.

  • 1
    Thanks, that answered my question. By "local calendars" I meant non-Exchange calendars that reside on my local computer only.
    – wisbucky
    Commented Jan 15, 2015 at 0:55

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