I am having problem with Touchpad Precision settings on my ASUS VivoBook S200E, which is running Windows 8.1.

I have successfully installed update KB2975719 which should bring the Touchpad Precision settings to my system but I can only see these few settings:

Since I am not having reputation at least 10 I can't post image. When I am going to (metro) Settings > PC and devices > Mouse and Touchpad I can see only Click delay option in the section with Touchpad.

I tried to look for proprietary drivers at ASUS website but it seems that for Windows 8.1 there are none, so I assumed that in Windows 8.1 drivers for my touchpad should be included in system.

I also tried to install older drivers in compatibility mode but they are really buggy - they work properly but sometime when I use Alt + D in Chrome to get my cursor to search bar, Chrome crashes. After I uninstalled drivers this never happened again, but I am not able to scroll and double-tap with my touchpad. You can imagine that this issue is really annoying and counterproductive.

Does anyone else experience this kind of problems? How did you solve them?

1 Answer 1


I have the same setup and problem. The following solution works perfectly for me.

  • Install the latest synaptics drivers as per these instructions.

  • Install the Asus Smart Gesture touchpad driver for Window 8.0 from the official downloads page. Choose Windows 8, not 8.1. The 8 drivers work for both versions, but hasn't been added in the 8.1 section.

I am not sure if you need the synaptics drivers, so you could first try with just the Asus drivers.

  • I tried it and now I am testing it. I'll let you know if the problem still occurs. Thanks for help
    – Cockootec
    Commented Feb 1, 2015 at 14:55
  • Unfortunately this didn't help. I encountered another crash of Chrome right after using touch input and then pressing ALT+D
    – Cockootec
    Commented Feb 3, 2015 at 22:23

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