I just build new PC and trying to install Windows 8.1 from DVD (USB DVD ROM). I tried many different ways which from the internet but nothing is working.

First attempt

UEFI installation. Boot priority to UEFI CD/DVD ROM, in Windows setup in CMD I create necessary partitions:

select disk 0
convert gpt
create partition primary size=300
format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows RE tools"
assign letter="T"
create partition efi size=100
rem == Note: for Advanced Format Generation One drives, change to size=260.

format quick fs=fat32 label="System"
assign letter="S"
create partition msr size=128
create partition primary
format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows"
assign letter="W" 

Installation continue but after restart it again boot the DVD and start the setup. It won't boot from SSD disk, even if I made it only available option for boot. I presume it the option UEFI Windows Boot Manager is missing and don't know why.

Second attempt

Disable all UEFI boot priorities, left only CD/DVD ROM and create one partition in CMD

list disk
select disk n [where n = SSD]
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs

When I get to choose where to install I cannot install on SSD with this error message:

Windows cannot be installed to this disk. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu.

I don't know what to try next, please help.

HW: Motherboard MSI H97 Gaming 3 SDD INTEL 520 120GB

2 Answers 2


Go back into diskpart, and clean the disk. Then, continue on with the Windows installation.

When it gets to the point of asking you what disk to install it to, choose the Unallocated Space, and let it create the partition scheme it needs.

The typical Windows Vista/7/8 install requires more than just one giant NTFS volume, although that's what most people just see (since it gets assigned the C:\ usually).

  • thanks for answer. But should I boot the CD/DVD ROM in UEFI or Legacy mode? And the SSD shoud be GPT or MBR?
    – mascot
    Commented Nov 2, 2014 at 6:45
  • Doesn't matter, but if you want the efi version, boot in efi mode Commented Nov 2, 2014 at 23:52

It would have been easiest to just leave the disk empty, and let Windows create all the appropriate partitions. However I too prefer to set up the drive manually, that way you can configure it all how you like it.

Install Windows With A Manually Setup Partition Scheme:


  1. Boot up the Windows 8.1 installation disc, enter your desired language, keyboard, time, and currency settings; click Next.

step2 step2b step2c step2d

  1. Click Repair your computer, click Troublshoot, click Advanced options, and then click Command Prompt.


  1. In the Command Prompt, type diskpart, select disk #, convert gpt, create partition efi size=512, select partition 1, and format quick fs=fat32 label="ESP". You will need to substitute disk # for the disk you wish to install on, such as disk 0. Typically an E.S.P. (EFI System Partition) is 100 megabytes, but if you like to multiboot you can run out of room so some people, like me, use a larger size. The E.S.P. is usually labelled as System, at least by Microsoft, but it doesn't matter what you call it; personally I prefer ESP.


  1. In Diskpart, type select disk #, and create partition msr size=128. The M.S.R. (Microsoft Reserved Partition) is used by legacy applications that need hidden sectors, G.P.T.s (GUID Partition Table) do not allow hidden sectors so this partition is used instead.


  1. In Diskpart type select disk #, create partition primary, and format quick fs=ntfs label="OSP". Most people would use the label Windows, but you can call it what-ever you like.


  1. In Diskpart type exit, then in the Command Prompt type setup.exe, and then refill in the language, currency, time, and keyboard settings you want; click Next.


  1. Accept the license agreement, and click Next.


  1. You will want to choose a Custom: Install Windows only (advanced) installation type.


  1. Click on the 3 partition, it should be your primary partition that you previously made, labelled O.S.P., and click Next.

step10 step10b

  1. The installer will copy the files over, and install them; this will take a while. Then the computer will restart, and you can remove the installation disc; the computer needs to boot from your hard drive.


  1. Once Windows boots up it will do some setting up; this will take a few minutes. The computer will reboot, again.

step12 step12b

  1. You will see the loading screen for a few minutes, and then reach the Personalize screen. Choose a color scheme, a name for your computer example, and then click Next.

step13 step13b step13c step13d step13e

  1. On the Settings screen choose Customize, unless you wish to use the Express Settings, and then choose your desired options on each screen presented.

step14 ste14b

  1. When you reach the account creation screen you will be prompted to sign into your Microsoft account, or create one. If you would like to do so proceed, but I will be covering how to use a local account. Please note that using a local account will prevent you from installing apps from the Microsoft Store. To create a local account click create new account. On the Create a Microsoft account screen, do not fill in anything, just click Sign in without a Microsft account.


  1. On the Your account screen you can now create a local account. Pick a username, password, and password hint. Click Finish.

step16 step16b step16c step16d

  1. You will be welcomed, and then Windows will do some more setting up; oooh pretty colors.


  1. You will be automatically logged in, and greeted by the start screen. You have successfully installed Windows 8.1.
  • thanks for answer. But in step 8 it says another problem, 'windows cannot be installed on this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style.'. I don't know how to avoid it now. any suggestions?
    – mascot
    Commented Nov 2, 2014 at 9:12
  • If I boot DVD in UEFI style, I avoid the problem message and continue to install, but after restart it won't boot from SSD. no UEFI: Windows Boot Manager... still not working
    – mascot
    Commented Nov 2, 2014 at 9:18
  • @mascot Boot up the installation disc, open the Command Prompt, type diskpart, select disk # (use the # for your ESP, should be 1), assign letter=q, exit, and then notepad. Go to File, Open, then browse the q drive. You will need to change files of type: to All Files to see anything; if the drive has files/folders on it then your ESP was setup during installation.
    – Robin Hood
    Commented Nov 2, 2014 at 20:28
  • @mascot If you wish to install on a GPT drive layout then you must boot in UEFI mode. Did you remember to remove the installation disc in step 10? Check your boot order to make sure you're booting from the correct device. How many drives does your computer have? Do you have more than 1 ESP (EFI System Partition) currently?
    – Robin Hood
    Commented Nov 2, 2014 at 20:29
  • I can see files on ESP drive. But the problem is I think it can't boot the SSD in UEFI. When I go to boot menu I can see the SSD, but only the Legacy. If I turn off Legacy, I can't see the SSD. So instead of booting i get message "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected".
    – mascot
    Commented Nov 3, 2014 at 19:53

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