I have 10 years of monthly data for 300 plants. While Excel can do moving averages for various time periods I am looking to do a moving median value for this data set.

I can obviously figure out the formula through brute force but what I was looking for was the ability to use a formula that can be modified based on the results of another cell.

If the formula I have for a 4 quarter moving median value for the 10 years of data is =median(c3:c951) then the next period would be =median(c952:c1900) etc.

Rather than rewrite each formula in the cells it would seem I should be able to reference a string of numbers or results to replace the actual number in the formula.

Seems to me many years ago i saw that done but of course can’t recall how to do that.

  • 1
    How would you decide the ranges? Like have 3, 951, 1900 in a series of cells?
    – Paul
    Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 8:29
  • We do need to know the answer to @Paul's question. Is it based on another cell's value? Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 11:11

2 Answers 2


As far as I can tell you're using every (n = 948)th row? Should be something like this -


So, if you put it in E1, it would come out to


dragged to E2, it would return



To avoid INDIRECT you could use something like -


To use calendar years and account for leap years - I don't know.


Use the OFFSET function. You can do your offsetting math there. Maybe in combination with the ROW function.

If data is in column A and your median labels (eg: 2010, 2011, etc) in column F, try something like:

=MEDIAN( OFFSET( $A$1; 365* ROW( F1 ); 0; 365; 1) )

And copy-paste down.

This calculates the median for each block of 365 data items. Adjust cell references and magic numbers to your needs.


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