I forgot my Kali password and I tried getting into LILO single user mode but it still asks for root password (which I forgot). As a secondary measure I just ran


The command runs but then it gets stuck when booting the system, I repeated this about 3 times but it still gets stuck in the exam exact place as last time (it gets stuck in a place where the prompt is just checking all my system specifications) so I guess this is some kind of security measure for Kali.

I don't know if I'm wrong. Any ideas on how to solve my problem?

  • Did you find a solution? I'm having the same exact problem Commented Dec 13, 2014 at 17:28

1 Answer 1


Steps to follow for systems using LILO bootloader

Step 1

At LILO bootloader type linux single and press the ENTER key:

Boot: linux single

Step 2

When presented with the command prompt, issue the passwd command.


Step 3

Before rebooting the system, it is a good idea to run the sync command.


Step 4


You should now be able to login into the system with your new root password.

This website explains how to recover grub passwords as well.

  • I can use the Linux single command since it still asks my original root password
    – lob0
    Commented Sep 16, 2014 at 1:31

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