In 2014 Microsoft has released several updates for its Office 2013 suite:

  • these updates are huge: ~1 GB / update / month
  • Microsoft proposes updates for some Office components that are not even installed (e.g. OneDrive, OneNote, Lync, Outlook in my case)
  • the updates are kept on the system drive (in order to be able to remove them later)
  • and finally the updates for the same components are not merged, so in a few months they can really eat up quite some gigabytes on the drive.

Well, I can imagine better usage for my SSD...

1 Answer 1


Since turning off the updates is not a wise choice, my solution is to reinstall the whole Office from time to time using an installer that already includes all of the updates.

A few days ago I have freed up 5 GB this way (my previous Office installation was in November 2013).

Note: if you cannot get such an installer you can always slipstream your own version with the latest updates:

  • 1
    We expect more then a link to a website here at Superuser
    – Ramhound
    Commented Aug 26, 2014 at 23:29
  • I'm glad to hear that slipstreaming offers some relief. We have a bunch of computers gradually filling up their SSDs with the updates. Commented May 11, 2018 at 14:55

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