I have a few Windows 8.1 computers. They are joined to a domain, and will be shared among multiple users. I want to provide a default arrangement for the tiles on the Windows 8 start menu.

I know I can do this through group policy, but that locks the arrangement in place; it becomes mandatory, rather than simply the default or original layout for each profile. I only want to provide a default that users can change later.

I also want to include a shortcut that I made myself in this layout, and it needs to include an item that's based on network access that is not available to the local administrator account.

How can I get a start menu layout that accomplishes all this?

  • the layout is stored in a file called appsFolder.itemdata-ms. copy the file to c:\users\default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows and set it to readonly. Commented Aug 26, 2014 at 18:31
  • @magicandre1981 You're saying to do this in one profile, and then copy the one from my profile to do the default profile? Commented Aug 26, 2014 at 19:09
  • correct, this is the way to create that file Commented Aug 27, 2014 at 4:14
  • I've created an answer. Commented Sep 13, 2014 at 5:18

3 Answers 3


Here's what I had to do to get everything I wanted to work:

  1. I had to log in as a standard user, because I wanted my layout to reference some network resources that were not available for the local administrator account.
  2. Setup the layout like you want

    If you want to include a shortcut file that you make yourself, ie to a shared folder:

    1. Make the shortcut, and place it in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
    2. The item should now appear in Start Menu's Apps view (swipe up from the bottom, or click the down arrow below the regular start menu)
    3. Pin the shortcut to the start menu from the Apps view.
    4. Pinning from anywhere else will not work. Pinning from the Apps view if the file is not saved in that common ProgramData location will not work.


  3. Copy appFolder.itemdata-ms from %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows to the equivalent folder for the Default profile (usually C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows) You may need to provide administrator credentials to do this, or you may want to do this between step 7 and step 8, instead.

  4. While still logged in as the user where you prepare the start menu layout, use Powershell to export your layout, like this:

    Export-StartLayout -As BIN -Path appsFolderLayout.bin

    The file will be in your Documents library.

  5. Copy it to the equivalent folder for the Default user (possibly this is not necessary, but I had done this when I finally got it to work). Again, you may want to do this step in between steps 7 and 8.
  6. Also copy it to the root folder of the local administrator's profile (ie: C:\Users\Administrator\)
  7. Login with the local administrator account.
  8. Run PowerShell as administrator
  9. Execute the following command:

    Import-StartLayout -LayoutPath .\appsFolderLayout.bin -MountPath \

    Note the trailing back-slash.

  10. Delete any user profiles on the system where you need to see the new layout

  11. Reboot

The layout is stored in a file called appsFolder.itemdata-ms. Use one Account to create the layout in the way you want it and copy the layout file to c:\users\default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows and set it to readonly.

In Windows 8.1 there is also new a powershell command to export the layout:

Export-StartLayout -Path "C:\Layouts\Marketing.bin" -As BIN

You can later use the Import cmdlet to import it.

  • I finally had a chance to try this today, and it didn't work :/ I copied from the appsFolder.itemdata-ms file from my template profile to the default profile, logged in as a new user, and did not see my adjusted layout. Commented Sep 24, 2014 at 22:04
  • have you set the file to readonly? Have you tried the DISM way to import the layout? Commented Sep 25, 2014 at 4:15
  • Readonly didn't help. I don't have an image in this case. I need to get this working on an already-installed system. Commented Sep 25, 2014 at 13:32
  • Have you tried the DISM command? Commented Sep 25, 2014 at 15:55
  • I haven't, but I'm not sure how it will help: there is no image to mount here except the currently running system, and I didn't think dism could work on that system? Commented Sep 25, 2014 at 16:03

Adding another method on how to take some of the above and do it via Group Policy


  • As I indicated in the question, the Group Policy method is NOT okay for this, because it locks the arrangement and prevents users from making changes, rather than simply providing a default. Commented Jul 2, 2015 at 16:46

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