I am trying to find a way to open multiple telnet session to multiple hosts with scripts.

I thought of using gnome-terminal command with options to open tabs and execute the commands as follows,

gnome-terminal --disable-factory -e "telnet x.x.x.x 2055" -t "host_55" --tab --disable-factory -e "telnet x.x.x.x 2057" -t "host_57" &

I have refereed something from here.

With this I am able to open new terminal with multiple tabs and each executing the telnet to the host.

The problem is that, If I close the telnet session, then terminal tab itself getting closed.

I want it to run as a stand-alone just as how we do it.

What am I missing here ?

1 Answer 1


If your only goal is to keep the terminal open, you could add something like "telnet x.x.x.x 2057; bash". This will launch the bash after telnet closes, keeping the terminal open.

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