I have two hard drives in my notebook. I cannot add third drive.

Is there a possibility to somehow set up software RAID 0 (striped) under Windows 7? My notebook does not support hardware RAID 0.

I am looking to increase the speed of reading data from my hard drives.

  • 2
    First of all the standard warning: RAID0 is not really RAID. Now we got that out of the way: If you are looking to increase reading speed then RAID-1 will also work. If you still want to use a stripe, consider a regular /boot partition (that 100MB thing windows creates by default) and follow Luke answer below to create a striped volumes (e.g. C:, D:) for one or more partitions.
    – Hennes
    Commented Aug 15, 2014 at 4:57

1 Answer 1


Yes, but you need to acknowledge that you will lose all your data if even just ONE drive dies.

Having said that...

As an Administrator, right-click on Computer, and select Manage. On the left side, open up Disk Management. Once that loads, you can right-click on the hard drive itself (not the part with the drive letter), and click 'Convert to Dynamic Disk'. On your system drive, you'll need to reboot the machine.

enter image description here

After you have two dynamic disks, and some free space on both drives, you can create a volume, and choose to make it Striped. Right-click on the Unallocated Space of one drive, choose 'New Striped Volume' and follow the wizard.

I have not seen the System Volume (where Windows is installed to) on a Software RAID 0, but that's not to say you can't do it. I haven't tried, so I cannot comment on that.

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