I recently re-installed Windows 7 Home Premium on my Dell Inspiron N5010 laptop. Initially without the video driver, everything was fine except that the screen icons and applications windows were of disproportionate size.

But, then I decided to install video driver. The Dell Website suggested two video drivers for my laptop when I gave them my Service Tag. One was Intel(R) HD graphics and the other one is ATI AMD Mobility Radeon 5470. When I tried installing the Intel driver, it said that "Your computer doesn't support the minimum requirements". So, I turned to ATI driver and installed it. But after I installed the driver and rebooted my laptop, I got a BSOD. BSOD occured at the time when the login screen is supposed to appear. The BSOD code is 0X0116 and there is a reference to atikmpag.sys in the BSOD.

Then, I rebooted in Safe Mode and unistalled the driver. After this, when I logged in again, there was no BSOD.

Can anybody help me in identifying the problem.

  • Maybe the Intel driver was the right one and you could not install it, because the other hardware was not recognized. Try to start in safe mode, go to you Hardware Manager, look for Hardware ID and google it. You will find out, what driver you need.
    – Watsche
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 7:34
  • @Watsche....thanks for the response...The device is AMD Mobility Radeon 5470....
    – AvinashK
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 13:21
  • I would say: Bios update.
    – Watsche
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 13:29
  • My Bios is updated to A15 version which according to Dell Website is the latest
    – AvinashK
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 14:37
  • @Watsche...is it possible that my graphic card has become faulty?
    – AvinashK
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 17:25

2 Answers 2


According to the following source, problems with the ATI Driver are the likely culprit, fortunately the solution is outline below:

Source Forum

Step 1: Download and install the latest ATI graphic driver. AND DON'T TURN OFF OR RESTART YOUR COMPUTER AFTER INSTALLATION.

Step 2: Then go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers and rename atikmdag.sys to atikmdag.sys.old.

Step 3: Go to ATI directory (usually in C:\ATI) and find the file atikmdag.sy_.

Step 4: Copy the file to your Desktop directory.

Step 5: Open cmd.exe by going to Start -> type cmd in the search box and hit Enter.

Step 6: Change the directory to Desktop by typing chdir Desktop.

Step 7: Then, type EXPAND.EXE atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys. Or,

expand -r atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys

Step 8: When the expansion is complete, copy the new atikmdag.sys from your Desktop to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers

Step 9: Restart your computer and the problem should be resolved.

  • Glad to hear it! No problem
    – Unencoded
    Commented Sep 30, 2018 at 18:56

Had the same problem here. Solution was much simpler. Before installing/reinstalling windows, format both the target partition and the 100 MB partition created by previous installation. Worked for me.

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