I've opened Back In Time GUI and copied the whole rsync ... line from the last log into Terminal and executed it in Terminal.

Question #1 is: if I were to do it the normal way (click 'Take snapshot' in Back In Time GUI) would it do exactly the same thing? Or does Back In Time GUI add some actions or tweak something while executing that rsync command?

Also, the same question (Question #2) but about Grsync.

And about the Linux apps in general (if that can be answered) (Question #3).

I'm asking the first two questions because backups are a serious business and before moving them into the shell (perhaps even for cron/anacron jobs) I want to be sure that backups procedure will not change.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

1 Answer 1


Regarding your Question #1:

Yes and No. The command will do exactly the same like in BIT GUI. But BIT will do couple thinks before and after running this command (create 'new_snapshot' dir, fix permissions, create hard-links, save permissions into extra file, save config and log, just to name some)

So in the end you'll not have the same result with running the rsync command manually as with BIT GUI.

disclaimer: I'm member of BIT-dev Team

  • Now I see that BIT GUI behaviour can't be substituted by launching rsync command from the log in the Terminal. However, can I use GUI to configure a BIT profile to my liking and then launch this backup job from the Terminal without needing to launch GUI ever again? (Question #4) Thanks for your answer and for developing BIT - the best backup app I've encountered.
    – user345286
    Commented Jul 17, 2014 at 11:19
  • Sure. You can always take a new snapshot by running backintime --backup. You can also create a schedule which will run without GUI (take a look at crontab -l). Since version 1.0.26 you can restore from command line, too. And there is a new manpage for the config file in man backintime-config
    – Germar
    Commented Jul 18, 2014 at 22:46
  • Thank you. True, and it's all in the man page (I'm only just starting to move from GUI into the shell, so I haven't checked man before). Just to add, the precise command I was looking for was: backintime --profile PROFILE\ NAME --backup
    – user345286
    Commented Jul 21, 2014 at 10:20

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