I am running the Django development server on a computer at home on

I am also running an SSH service on port 22. I have configured my router (Virgin Media Superhub 2 with external IP so that

  1. My server has been provisioned the slot
  2. I have forwarded ports 80 and 22 so that any external requests for those are pointed at

I have configured no-ip suemphasized textch that the server is dynamically updating a no-ip url, foo.no-ip.biz. I have also configured a Godaddy domain, foo.com with a CNAME DNS entry pointing to foo.no-ip.biz for all traffic from bar.foo.com.

When I try and access either bar.foo.com or foo.no-ip.biz or or from a laptop in my LAN using Google Chrome, I can access everything just fine, and see my website.

However, when I try and access it from outside my LAN, the connection just times out. This occurs on all of the above addresses minutes the 192... one.

I can SSH using any of the addresses, and I can also see that both port 22 and 80 are open using http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ so what could be wrong? I'm sorry if you must get loads of questions like this, but most of the examples I've seen have different situations i.e. they haven't forwarded ports or something like that. Can anyone help?

  • do you have a virgin media business accoutn as the home user one can not be configured for static ips Commented Jun 14, 2014 at 12:52

2 Answers 2


You need to add a port forwarding on your router and set it so that port 80 points to the right ip address and to port 80. Note if you have external management of your router enabled on port 80 too, you have to disable this.

If you have more than one router/modem that does port forwarding, make sure you set a portforwarding on every device. Also, if your expernal ip changes, you need to do an ipconfig /flushdns to get the new ipaddress.

If things aren't working from outside, make sure you can ping the address and that you get the right ipaddress.

  • Like I say I have already enabled port forwarding on my router i.sstatic.net/cAyCK.png, and I can see the ports are open from a website online. I only have one router, so that can't be the problem. Interestingly though, when I ping foo.bar.com from outside my LAN it comes back with this address. cpc20-acto3-2-0-cust165.4-2.cable.virginm.net I am on virgin, but I don't understand what the address means
    – conradg
    Commented Jun 14, 2014 at 15:30

Telnetting to port 80 of:

cpc20-acto3-2-0-cust165.4-2.cable.virginm.net (the name your ISP gives your IP address)

I should be getting a connection response, but I just get:

telnet: connect to address Network is unreachable
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

This tells me that the port isn't open. While it looks as though you are forwarding OK, there may be a firewall setting that has the port closed. Find that and open it and you should be in business.

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