I am trying to install bspwm for my debian machine, and I've been following this guide for dummies. So far, all the desktop environments and window managers that I've added on were all done through apt-get install somewindowmanager and their install scripts automatically told lightdm how to use them. However, bspwm I'm building from source.

I followed the guide as closely as possible:

  1. Download source files and dependencies - this appears to have worked properly
  2. Installation - make, make install seemed to work properly
  3. Configuration copied example config files to ~/.config/ directories without any changes
  4. Created ~/.xinitrc file (guide made it sound like it should already exist?)
  5. Additional display manager steps (probably where I screwed up): The guide says "If you use a display manager (like Lightdm or kdm (this means you Ubuntu folks)) you'll probably want to copy the files provided in contrib/lightdm to their standard locations." I didn't know what "standard locations" was, but contrib/lightdm contained:
    1. bspwm.desktop
    2. bspwm-session (executable shell script)

The file bspwm.desktop had the line Exec=/usr/bin/bspwm-session so I concluded that the right place to put bspwm-session was in /usr/bin, and I grepped for awesome.desktop to conclude that dspwm.desktop should go in /usr/share/xsessions.

Following the guide: I tried sudo xstart and to my surprise an LXDE session started. I thought it might have just been that whatever config file wasn't loaded yet so I restarted my machine. The desktop greeter shows up as usual and hooray, an option for bspwm has been added! Unfortunately, when trying to log in I get a blank screen for 2 second and then sent back to the login screen. Moreover, this happens for ALL of my desktops, XFCE, LXDE, awesome, etc. all just go blank then return me to the login screen. If I start debian in recovery mode and then xstart I can still get an LXDE session going.

What do I do to fix this (and hopefully get bspwm running too)?

  • Let's start by removing the .xinitrc file. In fact, I think that might well fix it. Also, how did you install bspwm? Did you run make install? Also, how did you configure it? Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 3:24
  • I tried removing the .xinitrc file and the problem persists. I ran make install to install it (the guide didn't mention any other way to install)
    – nullUser
    Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 3:41
  • Interesting development. I CAN log in as root from lightdm.
    – nullUser
    Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 3:47

1 Answer 1


I had this problem with lightdm and this is how I solved:

  • First follow this guide
  • Then remember to run chmod +x /usr/bin/bspwm-session That's it i was missing the second part.

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