Normally, I use spaces for indentation, but for a specific project I'm working on the convention is tabs for indentation. So I've made a .dir-locals.el file that looks like this:

((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . t)
     (whitespace-style . '(face empty trailing lines-tail)))))

Before, whitespace-style was (face tabs empty trailing lines-tail).

However, when I do this and load emacs, nothing changes. If I toggle whitespace-mode on and off, tabs aren't highlighted, but trailing spaces and other things that should be highlighted aren't highlighted either, almost like whitespace-mode is still off.

Am I doing something wrong? I'm using Emacs 24.3.1 on Arch Linux with prelude.

1 Answer 1


Remove the quote mark: (face empty trailing lines-tail) instead of '(face empty trailing lines-tail).

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