I'm having a problem on my windows machine of recording my MIDI keyboard. I'm currently using a Yamaha, and I have a midi connection from MIDI Output to USB. When I check system devices, my computer sees that I have a USB MIDI keyboard installed. I'm having problems actually recognizing and using the MIDI on a sequencer. I downloaded a piece of software called Anvil Studio's which handels MIDI connections.][1] It doesn't seem to be able to read it. Any suggestions in troubleshooting this. I haven't really ever worked with a MIDI before. As you can see, my computer is registering the device.

1 2

I have more info on the system. I've managed to get the output to work (now on Linux). Using LMMS I can play notes on my keyboard through my computer. The only thing that still isn't working now is input. My ports are currently

 Port     Client name                       Port name
14:0     Midi Through                      Midi Through Port-0
24:0     USB Midi                          USB Midi MIDI 1
128:1     LMMS                              Default preset
128:2     LMMS                              Default preset
128:4     LMMS                              Default preset
129:0     Client-129                        qjackctl
130:0     FLUID Synth (24333)               Synth input port (24333:0)

Right now the Output and Input are going through port 24:0 USB Midi on LMMS. I still can't figure out why it wont record.

  • So my MIDI in light keeps on blinking but MIDI out is blank. Commented Mar 17, 2014 at 6:51
  • I installed MIDI-OX via this tutorial and I keep getting activating sensing, timing clock, and stop via MIDI-OX. What does this mean and why can't I get my input to work. native-instruments.com/en/support/knowledge-base/show/998/… Commented Mar 17, 2014 at 7:29
  • What kind of Yamaha device are you using? How exactly is it connected to the computer; does it have USB-MIDI, or are you using a separate USB/MIDI interface? What is the list of MIDI ports in the sequencer?
    – CL.
    Commented Mar 17, 2014 at 8:27
  • So...after a ton of digging I've managed to get a lot closer though I haven't actually totally solved it yet. I am currently getting MIDI Output to work using LLMS software on Linux ( I switched over systems). The next comment will have more output information. Commented Mar 18, 2014 at 5:07
  • Port Client name Port name 14:0 Midi Through Midi Through Port-0 24:0 USB Midi USB Midi MIDI 1 128:1 LMMS Default preset 128:2 LMMS Default preset 128:4 LMMS Default preset 129:0 Client-129 qjackctl 130:0 FLUID Synth (24333) Synth input port (24333:0) Commented Mar 18, 2014 at 5:08

1 Answer 1


After working on the problem for a while, I managed to come to the conclusion that it is most likely a hardware defect in the cord. In linux,

 aseqdump -p "USB Midi" 

reported the output

24:0   Clock      24:0   Clock      24:0   Clock      24:0   Clock  24:0   Active Sensing  24:0   Clock  24:0   Clock  24:0   Clock  24:0   Clock  24:0   Stop  24:0   Clock  24:0   Clock  24:0   Clock  24:0   Active Sensing  24:0   Clock  24:0   Clock  24:0   Clock  24:0   Clock  24:0   Stop

and aconnect -i and aconnect -o revealed

aconnect -i client 0: 'System' [type=kernel]     0 'Timer           '     1 'Announce        ' client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]     0 'Midi Through Port-0' client 28: 'USB Midi' [type=kernel]     0 'USB Midi MIDI 1 '     '  


aconnect -o client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]     0 'Midi Through Port-0' client 28: 'USB Midi' [type=kernel]     0 'USB Midi MIDI 1 ' client 128: 'FLUID Synth (3237)' [type=user]     0 'Synth input port (3237:0)'

I followed this tutorial to give me some guidance:


But I could get everything to work only until it began to integrate the hardware with the OS. I'm hoping this isn't a hardware problem, or that it isn't that the output on my keyboard is broken.

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