I'm trying to prepare a process for copying the video files off of a recorded DVD (we made the recording, and it's not encrypted). The method of copying the VTS_*.VOB file works when the recording is short and there is only one, but if there are multiple I need to concatenate them.

On my *nix box, I would just cat VTS_1.VOB VTS_2.VOB > ~/Video.VOB, but the computer now runs windows, and the person who does this in the future will not have command line experience.

Is there any GUI application/solution to concatenate these files? Or would the best bet be to write a custom application (If I do, it would be in Java)?

Another note, we are currently running windows XP, but it could be running Windows 7 or 8 in a few months.

  • sounds like it might be a bit dodgy.. even mp3 files are a bit funny when combined, like the length doesn't show up right even though it plays. maybe wav is ok combined, that'd be audio of course. dunno about Vob
    – barlop
    Commented Feb 16, 2014 at 16:52
  • @barlop VOB files are formatted such that simply concatenating the files will combine the video.
    – Tyzoid
    Commented Feb 17, 2014 at 18:20

1 Answer 1


File joiner: https://www.igorware.com/file-joiner

File joiner

  • File Joiner 64bit (x64) and 32bit (x86) versions available
  • freeware
  • portable (no installation needed, no need for .net or runtime library's of any kind)
  • ...

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