I need to set up a webcam to act as a security monitor for a one-off event of around 10 hours. My key requirement is that the video feed is streaming to the Internet and being recorded to the Internet in real-time. Recording in real-time to the Internet is important, as the camera will be in a relatively unsecure location where it would be possible for someone to access the local computer in real-time and cancel/delete any local and/or delayed recording, and there won't necessarily be anybody monitoring the live stream as it happens.

I'm running Ubuntu. What's a quick way to get this setup? Is there a web service that meets these requirements, or is it easy to e.g. configure VLC to do this?

  • Basically it just has to make it to an Internet storage location, whether that be in a proprietary format or not, and has to be committing new frames on a fairly regular basis, so if the connection to the local machine gets severed, there's still a persistent copy somewhere that is Internet-accessible containing nearly all of the recorded video. Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 10:52

1 Answer 1



this thing uses HTTP, streams live to http. But probably cpu intensive on webcam computer making it kinda audible.

  • Damn this doesn't record the stream.
    – PathToLife
    Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 10:56
  • Really should be in Bryce's comment section (50 rep). No not spam.
    – PathToLife
    Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 11:05

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