After installing Windows 2008 in a libvirt virtual environment (command below for reference), I'm stuck with an "Unknown device" in Device Manager. The Hardware Ids show ACPI\QEMU0001.

I tried using the drivers from the virtio-win-0.1-74.iso (required for Network and Disk in my case), but no luck.

virt-install --name=win2008 --ram=3072 --os-type=windows --vcpus=2 --os-variant=win2k8 --cdrom=/var/lib/libvirt/images/6001.18000.080118-1840_amd64fre_Server_en-us-KRMSXFRE_EN_DVD.iso --disk path=/dev/mapper/vgHP-win2008,bus=virtio --network bridge=br0,model=virtio --vnc --noautoconsole

ACPI shutdown (through '# virsh shutdown') does seem to work.

I do have the proper ACPI entries in my domain's XML, from installation time onwards:


Windows cannot find drivers online either. Any idea on how to fix this? Is it mandatory to fix, or can this be ignored?

I tried again without virtio drivers, i.e. a standard install with IDE, using following command:

    # virt-install --name=winserver --ram=3072 --os-type=windows --vcpus=2 --os-variant=win2k8 --cdrom=/var/lib/libvirt/images/6001.18000.080118-1840_amd64fre_Server_en-us-KRMSXFRE_EN_DVD.iso --disk path=/dev/vgHP/winserver --network bridge=br0 --vnc --noautoconsole

Same behavior though - still an 'Unknown device'.

  • I think it might be an audio device. Did a quick search on the hardware vendor id and got some hits about audio drivers. Also, noticed that there is no audio device listed in device manger.
    – Alex
    Commented Apr 9, 2014 at 18:15

1 Answer 1


I have ubuntu 13.10 server + kvm. On XP guest i had unknovn device ACPI\QEMU0001\4&2C5A7332&0 Turns out it was VirtIO-Serial communication device. Extracted driver from virtio-win-0.1-74.iso virtio-win\WXP

hope it helps someone. ;]

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