I can't play Flash videos on YouTube in my Google Chrome. I have the latest version of Google Chrome (31.0.1650.57 m) and Adobe Flash Player plugin is activated, but instead of the video I see a black rectangle. I need help.

edit When right clicked on on black square I see 2 options: Movie not loaded and About Adobe Flash Player

RESOLVED The problem was in browser cache. After cleaning it out everything became to work as usual.

  • I asked the same question this morning. The solution was to disable the FVD video downloader extension. See here superuser.com/q/681009/42531. If aren't using that particular extension, post what you do have.
    – x-x
    Commented Nov 27, 2013 at 6:09

2 Answers 2


Chrome uses pepper flash rather than adobe.

To set it follow the instructions here: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/108086?hl=en

  • I've tried to use only one of them(only pepper or adobe) but the problem stayed the same: black square instead of video
    – maks
    Commented Nov 26, 2013 at 23:57

ive recently observed that if pandora is running at the same time i try to launch a flash instance in the browser, the tab hangs. i just quit pandora and everything works... maybe they both call the same DLLs or something weird like that.

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