Is it possible to check what drivers from linux kernel source are used for currently working devices in the system? I know that usually device drivers are written as kernel modules, but some of them have cryptic names and I would want to see if there is some listing that would say: deviceA : moduleA (or inform me that driver was built to the kernel during compilation)

I need to modify some source code of current hardware drivers and I was wondering what is the easiest way to pinpoint exactly which drivers my hardware is using.

To be exact I wanted to know what drivers are used by my keyboard, mouse, hard drive and network card.

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 distribution.

1 Answer 1


You can list all currently running modules by running using lsmod. To retrieve information about a module and assosiated devices, etc, simply run modinfo <ModuleName>

To see which driver is loaded for each particular device, the easiest is to run hwinfo. The command gives a lot of information, also not driver related info. For a overview you should run it as hwinfo --short


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