I've installed Remote Desktop Services and Hyper-V on a server running Windows Server 2012. The Hyper-V settings are showing my GPU as selected for use with RemoteFX as below

enter image description here

However when I go to add the hardware to a virtual machine it does not show up in the list of available hardware.


Sorry, If I'm a little light on details, I'm not sure where to start on this I've been searching for answers for the better part of the day without much luck


1 Answer 1


RemoteFX does not work with Generation 2 (UEFI based) VM's with the current version of Hyper-V.

You will need to remake the VM to be Generation 1 instead to be able to use RemoteFX.

A Generation 2 VM:
enter image description here

A Generation 1 VM:
enter image description here


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