Someone here suggested that i should use an external hdd enclosure since my pc doesnt support a 2nd hdd and i want to use my old hdd. I will be permanently plugging that hdd enclosure to my pc and someone said it isnt safe. I'm really concerned since i would be using that drive and i'll probably be always using it since i'd play the music files i have in there. Also, would it be ok if i use that enclosure as a portable external drive?

  • Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing...
    – Gideon
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 6:36

1 Answer 1


nonsense. it's not unsafe. See if it works. But at worst it just won't get enough power if it is getting its power from a single USB port(and will work when you give it enough power). So it should be either external power or some use 2 USB ports. You can get an adaptor to adapt SATA->USB takes a SATA laptop hdd and gives 2 USB ports. Or you can get one for a desktop sized hard drive that probably uses more power and needs an external ACDC adaptor.

I have a portable USB SATA drive that runs on one USB cable, so it is possible, though(for some reason)it works in one comp and not another and I prefer adaptors as I can then use an internal drive. An enclosure is just a box with an adaptor in it. Note- A single USB3 port can output more power than two USB2 ports so adaptors for USB3 would use one USB port rather than two.

  • There can be problems with the temperature. Some enclosures don't offer any cooling and the drives can get hot (around 50℃) if they're used a bit more. Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 10:43
  • Is there an enclosure without an ac adapter? I just want it to have usb since I don't have space anymore for more ac plug. I'm just planning now to buy those sata to usb bridge so I can just use those once in a while
    – jeffmangum
    Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 10:44
  • @Cristian Ciupitu yeah that's my problem. Considering that I will play the audio files from that hdd for long hours.
    – jeffmangum
    Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 10:46
  • @jeffmangum yeah I use one of these on a laptop sata drive gizfever.com/images/USB_SATA_Adapter2.jpg of course, if you have space for an 8-10 port powered usb hub eg pluggable make one, or xenon do, then great. but you can plug that in 2 usb ports of your computer, if you have 2 free ports!
    – barlop
    Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 10:46
  • @jeffmangum By the way, you should realise your question title is absolutely insane. A HDD enclosure with a HDD in it is a portable HDD. Your question is almost as mad as asking if you can use a toothbrush to brush your teeth.
    – barlop
    Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 10:51

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