I have loggined into ubuntoo system using username-root and password-root.

after running some commands i run chsh -s /bin/csh root to change its shell.

but next time when i tried to logging into Ubuntu system with username-root and passsword-root, it is showing "Access denied" and is unable to login.

can anybody give any hint that what to do for login again?

  • Normally when you install ubuntu, you define an account as a sudo account - that you can use sudo to execute root level commands. Can you still log in as this user?
    – Paul
    Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 11:46
  • Do you have any other user name you can login as? If so, you could then try to use the "su" command to fix things as well: linfo.org/su.html
    – willus
    Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 13:01

1 Answer 1


I would try Boot to Single User Mode and then edit /etc/passwd to change root's shell back to /bin/bash or check the file permissions on /bin/csh to see if it is not executable.

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