I have a problem adding watermark to my video. I'm converting a video into 5 different resolutions using the -s option.

what I've tried:

waterMark="\"movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]\""

resolutions=$(echo -e "${resolutions} -s ${newX}x${myY} ${map} -vcodec libx264 ${options} 
-vf ${waterMark} ${NEW_FILENAME}_${myY}p.mp4")

ffmpeg -i $FILENAME "${resolutions}"

here's the echo of the command: echo "ffmpeg -i $FILENAME $resolutions"

ffmpeg -i test.mp4  
 -s 1728x720 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" test_720p.mp4 
 -s 1152x480 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" test_480p.mp4 
 -s 864x360 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" test_360p.mp4 
 -s 576x240 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" test_240p.mp4 
 -s 344x144 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" test_144p.mp4

I don't know what the error is, all i'm getting is part of the code in red:

  handler_name    : VideoHandler
Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 126 kb/s
  handler_name    : SoundHandler  

this part in red*

-s 1728x720 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" test_720p.mp4 -s 1152x480 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" test_480p.mp4 -s 864x360 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" test_360p.mp4 -s 576x240 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" test_240p.mp4 -s 344x144 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -movflags faststart -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in

the strange part is, if I run the code I get from echo "ffmpeg -i $FILENAME $resolutions" from the terminal, it does work! but it's not working from bash

I also tried adding the watermark right after -i $FILENAME

ffmpeg -i $FILENAME -vf "movie=/watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]" $resolutions"

but in that case only the first video comes out with a watermark.

  • Is specifying multiple output resolutions in one command faster than doing it in separate calls? If not you could just use a for loop that executes ffmpeg five times.
    – Tim
    Commented Sep 30, 2013 at 8:52
  • If the output from echo works, but directly calling ffnpeg doesn't: Maybe the quotes are the problem. Have you considered writing the output of echo into a variable (tocall=$(echo "ffmpeg -i $FILENAME $resolutions")) and then calling this variable ($($tocall))?
    – Tim
    Commented Sep 30, 2013 at 12:26
  • @Tim I get [NULL @ 0x2452760] Unable to find a suitable output format for '[watermark];' [watermark];: Invalid argument Commented Sep 30, 2013 at 13:02
  • but your suggestion lead me to solution. eval $tocall worked! thanks Commented Sep 30, 2013 at 13:03

1 Answer 1


I solve it by running the ffmpeg command with eval. eval takes a string as its argument, and evaluates it as if you'd typed that string on a command line.

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