Possible Duplicates:
How to find disk usage of folders in Windows
Best program to visualize file system usage on Windows?
What’s using up my disk space?
Windows 7 - mysteriously missing free HDD space

C: is getting really really low. :P

I used to use a program from moleskinsoft.com to do this task (it has since expired), but I need a nice free application that looks at one of my drives and tells me how big each folder is and where all my space has gone.

  • 3
    superuser.com is probably a better place for this.
    – Josh
    Commented Oct 29, 2009 at 2:47

5 Answers 5


SpaceMonger isn't bad (referring to Barden's suggestion), but I also like WinDirStat. It's OpenSource. I even use it on my servers. It can scan network drives too and gives a nice graphical output that shows files as multicolored blocks. Take a look at the site for screenshots.

  • @DigitalRoss: Indeed it does. I just wish it wasn't a dormant project. =(
    – Wesley
    Commented Oct 29, 2009 at 3:34
  • So I downloaded it and yes, it actually rocks :-)
    – user4954
    Commented Nov 6, 2009 at 3:03

TreeSize Free works well. They have paid Personal and Pro versions, too.


Eversince SpaceMonger went paid, I went with SpaceSniffer. It does the same type of analysis and visualisation.


I still like the free version of spacemonger. I'm sure the new one is great but the freeware one does the trick for us:


It's graphical so its easy to spot big files and you can open directories from it's inteface. I haven't had any problem running it from x64 or x86 windows.


I use SequoiaView for Windows machine. The fastest among free ones. and its GUI is easy to see.

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