The computer of a friend of ours is infected with the Ukash virus, I've created a bootable HitmanPro USB drive to remove the virus but each time I select an option from the hitman boot options the computer just reboots. Even when i try to start in safe mode the computer just reboots again.

Anyone know how to proceed in order to get the hitmanpro usb drive to boot so i can get rid of this thing?

2 Answers 2


You can always create bootable usb with any linux OS like this example

Then when you boot Linux you can delete all the malicious stuff from you PC

I haven't used HitmanPro, so sorry I can't help with that exact problem.


There are a bunch of Linux based Live-CDs that come with a variety of anti-virus utilities. See this link for some examples. I haven't personally used any of these, but I've heard from people successfully rescuing their system. I'm sure you can google for specific malware and find a system suited to what you need.

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