I need to make list of all files and folders in directory and its subdirectories, including contents of ZIP files.

Is there any program that can create nice list of contents?

2 Answers 2


WinRAR can create HTML/text reports listing both non-compressed files as well as the contents of all supported archive formats:


Besides this I am sure there are lots of directory listing utilities with ZIP support, such as ExpPrint for example.


On linux You have the find command that can find (and list) all files below a certain path.

find . -type f

for each zip-file found You could use

unzip -l thezipfile

in order to list contents. When encountering zipfiles inside zipfiles it may be a little more complicated though

  • Not helpful. I'm on windows and I have 500TB of data to index. I don't want to run unzip on all files.
    – Hooch
    Commented May 19, 2013 at 20:20
  • unzip -l will list contents - not unzip the files to my best of knowledge Commented May 21, 2013 at 6:27

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