I tried kindle's [email protected], calibre, mobipocket creator and none of them work with the book that has java/html css code in it. Am I the only one who is facing this situation or are there any one who had problem trouble converting a pdf that has code samples in the book to kindle and still preserve the code formatting. Any suggestions please?

  • see way 2, may be help
    – STTR
    Commented Apr 15, 2013 at 18:32

1 Answer 1


On this site with a link something. To get to a place with free components to try much. Pay package is worth $ 2000-4000 + depending on the type of license. See if you fit any of that.

Aspose Files Free

Aspose.Total for Java

Aspose.Total for Java includes the following libraries:

  1. Aspose.Words for Java 13.3.0 (4/2/2013 7:47:49 PM)
  2. Aspose.OCR for Java 1.1.0 (4/2/2013 12:12:00 PM)
  3. Aspose.Slides for Java 7.2.0 (4/1/2013 1:43:26 PM)
  4. Aspose.Email for Java 2.8.0 (3/28/2013 11:59:48 PM)
  5. Aspose.Cells for Java 7.4.2 (3/25/2013 5:52:14 AM)
  6. Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java 4.5.0 (2/21/2013 10:02:34 AM)
  7. Aspose.Imaging for Java 1.7.0 (2/4/2013 12:25:31 AM)
  8. Aspose.BarCode for Java 5.3.0 (2/4/2013 12:00:13 AM)
  9. Aspose.Pdf for Java 3.3.0 (10/11/2012 9:54:29 AM)
  10. Aspose.Metafiles for Java 1.8.0 (8/9/2012 11:55:47 AM)

How-to Convert a Document to EPUB

Aspose.Words for Java

way 2:

Pdf: The verbments package: Pretty printing source code in LaTeX*

LaTeX to PDF

  • I think u misunderstood the question, I am looking for a free converter that preserves the code samples in the text book yet generate a kindle version
    – user78338
    Commented Apr 15, 2013 at 8:39
  • 1
    @user78338 - A free tool might not exist. This is an acceptable answer.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Apr 15, 2013 at 10:39
  • @user78338 top link to free version. But your may create xslt transformation rule and zip files to create e-book.
    – STTR
    Commented Apr 15, 2013 at 18:23

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