I'm in IT at my work but can't change the group policies. I want to know if theres a local script or registry change I can use that overwrites or changes the homepage policy.

Basically I just want it to go to Google instead of our companies' homepage because it takes too long to load.

The group policy takes priority so I figure it will have to run every time I log in, which is fine.

Any ideas anyone?


1 Answer 1


Group policies are assigned at login, so if a setting is changed post login it will be persisted till next log on.

With that in mind, and if you have local administrative privileges on your machine, you can use this site to find out what registery key is associated with a group policy rule and update it. All you need to do is put the registery update as a batch script in your start-up folder and you will be able to override the homepage every time you log in.

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