I aim to connect my fedora host running some matlab code and check its status at present. Is is it possible to connect to the host from Windows 7 machine and see the curret desktop environment as remote desktop? If it is, how could I do it? I know Putty works fine for ssh but does it for remote desktop too ?

1 Answer 1


It's feasible - you'll need an Xserver on Windows ( Xming, for instance) to handle the Xserver display. You'll also need to configure putty to enable X11 forwarding.

This post explains how you can piece the two parts then. To summarize:

Enable X11 forwarding:

  • Add Unix hostname
  • Switch Protocol to SSH
  • Type name of session in saved sessions
  • Click 'Save'
  • Expand the 'SSH' tab from the 'Category' list
  • Choose 'X11' from 'SSH' list
  • Check 'Enable X11 Forwarding'

    enter image description here

  • Choose 'Session' from 'Category' list
  • Click 'Save'


  • Start Xming
  • Start Putty
  • Double click on the saved session you want
  • Thanks for the answer but I need full desktop access not just programs.
    – erogol
    Commented Dec 30, 2012 at 17:04
  • this is pretty much the only way with Putty, afaik. @ero
    – Sathyajith Bhat
    Commented Dec 31, 2012 at 1:59

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