The setup:

Asus M3N-HT Deluxe / AMD Phenom II X6 1090T / Windows 7 Ultimate

I have a total of 6 drives...

5 of them are identical Seagate Barracuda 3TB (2.72TB)

I have a 2TB Drive currently running my OS

I would like to purchase a 6th identical drive and setup have a RAID 10 setup...

I have attempted to setup 4 of the drives in a RAID 10 setup and everytime Windows boots. I get a BSOD...

Has anyone experienced this or attempted something similar with success?

1 Answer 1


I have a different ASUS mobo and a different RAID controller, but I had to setup my RAID arrays and then install the OS to it. I didn't setup a RAID 10, I setup a RAID 5 for storage and a RAID 1 for OS.

This person, on-the-other-hand, seems to have been able to accomplish something similar to what you are wanting to do except just for a RAID 0. I would imagine that for a RAID 10 it would be similar. Where he sets up his RAID, you would setup your two RAID levels.


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