I installed OpenVPN on both windows 7 and ubuntu 12.10. In both cases I have the same problem. I have a .ovpn file and a .crt file which I need to connect to the vpn. I also have a username/password combination. When I run OpenVPN (in admin/sudo mode) using those files I get the error: AUTH: Received AUTH_FAILED control message

I am however certain that my username and passowrd are correct. My question is now whether there is something else that can cause an AUTH failure?

In ubuntu I run openvpn from the terminal (since running it from the network manager applet did not work either).

The contents of the .ovpn file are as follows:

proto tcp
dev tun
remote virtualwall.test.ibbt.be 443
# uncomment if you use a proxy:
# http-proxy-retry
# http-proxy proxy2.intec.ugent.be 8080
cipher DES-EDE3-CBC  # Triple-DES
ca /home/kv/Documents/vwall-ca.crt
script-security 2


# uncomment if you use linux
cd /etc/openvpn/
  • You can try commenting "script-security 2". Commented Nov 5, 2012 at 18:20
  • Is the server your own or does it belong to somebody else ?
    – dotvotdot
    Commented Oct 30, 2016 at 22:44

1 Answer 1


I know this is an old post, but I'm hoping that posting may help future Googlers find happiness. I had similar problems with my VPN provider (ProXPN). I was CERTAIN that I was using the same user-name/password that successfully got me into my account on their website, but the VPN client kept AUTH_FAILED. Turns out, my password was 12-characters long, which works fine on the web site. I reduced the password to 8-characters and the VPN client connected and authenticated perfectly!

  • expanding on the above: after chatting with the VPN provider's tech support, we determined that, in my case, there was no problem with the password length, but special characters in the password and email/username were causing the problem. Commented Jul 2, 2019 at 16:14

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