The first value marked in yellow is seen in the picture and the other is:
Current pending Sector Count Current:100 Worst:100 Threshold:0 Raw Values:000000000003
Whatever this problem is, is making my PC freeze. Is there any way to solve this?
What is wrong with my HDD?

  • It means that the drive is detecting bad sectors and reallocating them to "spare" sectors on the drive. A few such sectors is fairly normal, but if you start getting more and more the drive is dying and should be replaced (or at least backed up) ASAP. Commented Sep 19, 2012 at 2:36
  • Why does it cause my computer to freeze??
    – A User
    Commented Sep 19, 2012 at 2:37
  • 1
    When it encounters a bad sector it spends time trying to read it, playing tricks such as moving the read/write head slightly to one side or the other, reading several times and trying to take the "average" of the data, etc. This all takes time. Commented Sep 19, 2012 at 2:38
  • @DanielRHicks So lets assume that it is about to fail and I have to buy a new one, I will lose my genuine OS. Is there anyway to back that up?
    – A User
    Commented Sep 19, 2012 at 2:40
  • 1
    @ekaj product key never show up there he can use a third party tool for that.
    – avirk
    Commented Sep 19, 2012 at 3:05

1 Answer 1


Every drive comes with a "reserve". If there is a bad sector, the drive tries to re-allocate that sector. Basically it tries to save the drive.

While this seem like a solution, it's just a dirty workaround.
Once this happens, you should always get a new replacement.

From the SMART Wikipedia article:

Count of reallocated sectors. When the hard drive finds a read/write/verification error, it marks that sector as "reallocated" and transfers data to a special reserved area (spare area). This process is also known as remapping, and reallocated sectors are called "remaps". The raw value normally represents a count of the bad sectors that have been found and remapped. Thus, the higher the attribute value, the more sectors the drive has had to reallocate. This allows a drive with bad sectors to continue operation; however, a drive which has had any reallocations at all is significantly more likely to fail in the near future.[2] While primarily used as a metric of the life expectancy of the drive, this number also affects performance. As the count of reallocated sectors increases, the read/write speed tends to become worse because the drive head is forced to seek to the reserved area whenever a remap is accessed. A workaround which will preserve drive speed at the expense of capacity is to create a disk partition over the region which contains remaps and instruct the operating system to not use that partition.

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