If I leave my computer on all day without turning it off/rebooting it for months, is there a possibility that it might break or something?

I hate turning it off, but I don't want it to break.

1 Answer 1


I suppose the mechanical parts (fan, disk drive) might wear out sooner, but their design life is so long, a small reduction isn't going to matter. As for the electronic parts: assuming that they're adequately cooled, usage is not going to wear them out.

Still, you are wasting energy. If you don't care for the inconvenience of a cold boot, consider using sleep or hibernate mode which preserves your system state while the machine is turned off.

  • I don't mind wasting energy, the problem is I have an HTTP server running 24/7 on this computer
    – Pacha
    Commented Sep 15, 2012 at 21:55

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