I've just found out that ZSH's modifiers only work in interactive scripts, so the following will work correctly on the command line but not from a script (the script ignores the modifier and echoes the whole path).

for file in ~/folder/*; do
  echo ${file:t}

How can I manipulate parameters in this way from an executed script file?

  • Where did you hear that? It works for me, as long as I make sure to execute the shell script with zsh.
    – mkomitee
    Commented Sep 11, 2012 at 12:53
  • @DyslexicTangent Ok, I had assumed that a source command from a .zshrc file would be interpreted using zsh. When I add the shebang it all works as expected, my bad. Add it as an answer and I'll accept it!
    – Gareth
    Commented Sep 11, 2012 at 22:49

1 Answer 1


This should work, just make sure that you're executing the script with zsh.

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