I know this has to be so easy, but I do not know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.

I want to name zip files with the directory name.

Say I have a directory "Zip1" with files "Doc1.txt" and "Doc2.txt"

I understand everything about zipping the folder with the exception of naming it. I can find NO examples of how to name a file through the command line using directory name information.

How can I name this zip file as "Zip1.7z" without actually typing the directory name but having the command line pull this information from the directory the files reside in?

Can anyone help?

1 Answer 1


I assume that you are in a directory where all subdirectories should be zipped and that the 7-Zip binaries are on your PATH.

You can then use the following on Windows (directory is %i):

for /d %i in (*) do 7z ... %i.7z ...

On Linux (directory is $i):

for i in $(find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d) ; do 7zr ... $i.7z ... ; done

Shorter but less robust:

for i in */ ; do 7zr ... ${i%/}.7z ... ; done

Example to zip all .txt files in all directories which start with backup-:


for /d %i in (backup-*) do 7z ... %i.7z %i\*.txt


for i in backup-*/ ; do 7zr ... ${i%/}.7z $i/*.txt ; done

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