I'm pretty new to the whole version control thing, and even more so with git. I recently installed git on my computer(s) and set it up on a NAS server.

However, I have several client folders with several project folders per client folder.

Each one of these client folders is a giant repo, encompassing every project inside it.

What I'm wondering is, is there a way to break this apart? So, for instance:

  1. The NAS is my 'origin', and has gitolite installed

  2. On computer1 I have every project folder in a client folder ever created (clean branch),

  3. In computer2 I do not a new checkout of the client branch (because all the projects in that branch are all completed and I don't need a working copy of it), but I do have a brand new project folder for that client "newproject".

Is there a way to commit and push to the NAS repo from computer2?

Or perhaps is there a better way of organizing all this?

1 Answer 1


A better organization of Git repositories is to have one repo per client project (ie, many repo within your client folders: one .git within each client folder subdirectories which match a project root directory).

The idea of having one giant repo per client isn't necessary a good idea, especially:

  • if that folder is composed of projects which can evolve independently one from another.
  • if the sum total is huge in volume (which means any clone will be a big one)

If some of those projects are linked together, you still can view them as one (parent) repo, with the notion of submodules.

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