I've set up the script git-number on my Cygwin computer without any problems. I've put all three required scripts in a folder in my home directory called bin/ and everything works fine. Now I'm trying to set it up on an Amazon EC2 instance, and I'm running into problems. When I run git number on the EC2 machine, I get

sh: /home/gulshan/bin/git-id: not found

Any idea what could be wrong?

EDIT: Directory listing of ~/bin

-rwxr-xr-x 1 gulshan gulshan 1.5K 2012-03-17 06:01 git-id
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gulshan gulshan 4.7K 2012-03-17 06:02 git-list
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gulshan gulshan 2.2K 2012-03-17 06:07 git-number

1 Answer 1


Is the /home/gulshan/bin/git-id file executable? Please add the directory listing of /home/gulshan/bin/ if this does not solve the problem.

  • I've added the listing to the answer. Everything is executable.
    – gsgx
    Commented May 24, 2012 at 14:57

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